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C-EHRN hosts the International Network of Drug Consumption Rooms since 2007. In the past years, it became obvious that more cooperation is needed at the European level to support the development of high-quality DCRs. As an answer to this need, the European Network of Drug Consumption Rooms (ENDCR) began to take shape.
In 2022, we started to intensify our cooperation with drug consumption rooms in Europe and worked together on a number of activities. C-EHRN prepared ‘Safer Consumption Spaces’, a manual to support organisations with guidance and resources in the implementation, operation and improvement of DCRs. We also organised a technical meeting in cooperation with the EMCDDA in 2022 and 2023, and a session during the ‘Symposium on DCRs’ organised by the Pompidou Group in 2023. At the beginning of 2023, we developed the Terms of Reference for the ENDCR, a network aiming to support capacity-building and advocacy activities and to create a platform for mutual support.
We invite organisations in the WHO Europe Region operating or planning to implement a DCR to apply for membership by reading the Terms of Reference and sending an email to, indicating their interest in joining the network. Once contacted, we can provide a membership confirmation survey link.
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Multiple authors