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We talked to Ewa Wielgat about the “Zachte Landing” Project and the T6 shelter, funded by the City of Amsterdam. Ewa is one of the social workers at AMOC, a drop-in centre managed by De Regenboog Groep.
T6 is a 24/7 shelter for people experiencing homelessness, some of whom are EU migrants. In the T6 shelter, clients can stay up to one year, which allows them to stabilise, recover from the stressful life on the streets and get themselves organised. Later, “Zachte Landing” completes the cycle by assisting EU migrants, without legal documents, insurance and work, with a safe and trustful passage to life in their home country if they are willing to return.
Their many clients deal with a broad range of problems (e.g. (mental) health problems, homelessness, extensive drug or alcohol use, lack of social contacts in the home country). Therefore, they need on-site support services, including medical or drug treatment, housing, mental health services and work integration.
Current Project partners are situated in Poland and Romania, as most of the clients at AMOC come from these countries. Ewa and her colleague are case managers, assisting the clients in their language. In addition, the case managers develop different steps and support services in cooperation with their partners in the respective countries.
Ewa says that they have already supported the return of several clients to their home country. They stay in contact and follow up on their development from here.
“Zachte Landing” builds on the idea that people can take responsibility for their lives. However, it also acknowledges the need for a stable and safe environment (e.g. housing, treatment) to motivate the clients in their decision-making.
The service provided by “Zachte Landing” certainly is more than buying a return ticket and sending clients to the unknown but guaranteeing them an assuring start and with care, support and empathy, boosting their confidence to try.
Although the project will end soon, Ewa is optimistic. The preliminary results of the project are promising. The integrated harm reduction approach works are empowering and show the positive impact of a stable and safe environment for the well-being of individuals and the recovery of people in vulnerable situations.
Projects such as “Zachte Landing” put the individual in the centre and treat them with respect and dignity. Something which everyone deserves. We hope to hear more about such projects and initiatives.
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