
Honoring the Life of Tonny van Montfoort: An Obituary


With profound sadness, we share the news of the loss of our beloved colleague and friend, Tonny van Montfoort. Despite a long battle with illness, Tonny remained resilient and optimistic.

A steadfast supporter of C-EHRN, Tonny dedicated many years to actively participating in many of our activities. He was a passionate and tireless advocate for the rights of people who use drugs. Tonny was known for his sharp wit, critical thinking, unwavering commitment and a wonderful sense of humour. He was also kind-hearted and empathetic, always taking a personal interest in those around him with genuine empathy. 

Tonny’s presence and contributions will be greatly missed within the harm reduction community. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family, friends and colleagues during this difficult time. 
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