Multiple authors
Multiple authors
On November 25, 2019 the BMJ published the following opinion article encouraging the European Commission to support an EU-level knowledge platform to compile and share research and best practices in healthcare access for marginalised, underserved groups. Also, it calls for a joint action to improve access in these groups; healthcare staff training and capacity building via the European Social Fund+, and research to improve access to cancer screening and care among these groups. Lastly, it recommends that the commission should further prioritise a co-ordinated approach to addressing social determinants of health in all policies.
Multiple authors
Multiple authors
Multiple authors
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented crisis for governments and health systems, and has severely impacted the health, lives and livelihood of millions of people worldwide. While COVID-19 has affected everyone, it has had particular impact among marginalised communities such as homeless people, LGTBI people, people who use drugs, prisoners, sex workers and undocumented […]
Multiple authors